Wednesday 19 July 2017

Separation Anxiety Part 2

It's Eva's crying that really gets to me and wears me down, I'm trying so hard not to give in to her! If I do a sharp bang on the door with a loud no it's usually enough to stop her but I really don't like doing it. Just when I think I'm getting somewhere Alfie starts barking which sets Eva off again! If hubby puts them in the back room of a morning Eva constantly cries but Alfie is quiet. Yet when I put them in there later in the day they both tend to be quiet for much long. So far I've managed to leave the house for 2 hours and they seemed fine.

We are also crate training Eva too, she really does not like you leaving the room while she is in it. But she will happily stay in there and sleep if you're in the room. There is definitely progress with both of them it just seems 1 step forward and 2 steps back!

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